NY Health Dept Caught Red-Handed Discriminating Against White People

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The New York City Health Department has been caught discriminating against white people. They only have so many COVID tests available, but instead of rationing them out in a fair manner, the tests are only going to the neighborhoods that are more racially diverse.

New York City health officials have been using race to help decide how to allocate precious coronavirus testing resources, leaked emails from the agency show.

In a conversation with reps for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, City Councilman Joe Borelli’s office said constituents on Staten Island’s South Shore were having trouble getting tested at city facilities.

“Our office has been receiving calls regarding the mobile NYC H+H testing sites such as Wolfes Pond Park. It appears many are waiting with delays, and are being turned away after waiting for hours,” wrote Borelli staffer Briana Nasti in a Dec. 22 email.

The agency responded the same day and informed Nasti that they would prioritize neighborhoods flagged by the city’s Taskforce on Racial Inclusion & Equity.”

The task force said [neighborhoods] were picked based a DOHMH’s analysis of “health status, living conditions, social inequities, occupation, and COVID-19 Wave 1 impact” — though the methodology has never been released.”

“Staten Island’s mostly white, middle-class South Shore — despite one of the highest COVID rates in the city during December — is not one of the priority neighborhoods. The borough has 13 city testing sites, all on the more diverse North Shore.”

We’re now two years into a test shortage, with no end in sight, and the emergence of politicization shouldn’t come as a surprise. It took Joe Biden nearly a year to get serious on testing development, production, and distribution. By this point, it appears we won’t get enough of a supply to obviate rationing for at least several weeks if not several months, by which the current shock wave of Omicron transmission will have passed. That means that stupid rationing decisions based on whatever benefits political leaders in place at this moment will have to continue, likely all the way through the Omicron wave and potentially into whatever variant wave may come next.”

If the shoe were on the other foot and they had discriminated against minorities, the MSM would be all over this, claiming there was prejudice and that the tests should be passed out equally. But since it’s white people, for some reason it’s no big deal that they are being discriminated against.


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