The way American’s are living their lives right now has changed drastically thanks to the global pandemic the like of which the modern age has never seen before. We are lucky that the illness isn’t more deadly, however, our economy will likely suffer due to the recent changes in lifestyle caused by social distancing.
Because of this, President Trump has been fighting hard, every day, for Congress to pass a virus relief package that includes cash for each and every hard-working American for each month that they must suffer through this national emergency.
But what big thing is standing in the way of that much-needed financial relief, or should I say who?
The #1 anti-Trumper herself, Nancy Pelosi.
The GOP-controlled Senate on Sunday failed to move forward with considering the $1.4 trillion “Phase Three” stimulus package intended to help businesses and families devastated by the downturn over the coronavirus outbreak, as Senate Majority Leader McConnell, R-Ky., blasted Democrats opposed to the plan.
The vote came while at least five GOP senators were in self-quarantine, including Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who became the first U.S. senator to announce he tested positive for the virus. Senators were asked to practice social distancing and were given a list of health guidelines to follow while entering the chamber.
Many Democrats had complained that the draft aid package did not go far enough to provide health care and unemployment aid for Americans, and failed to put restraints on a proposed $500 billion “slush fund” for corporations, saying the ban on corporate stock buy-backs are weak and the limits on executive pay would last only two years.
As the first of the month draws nearer, the American people will not tolerate much delay in the release of these funds. We need to know that our basic needs, such as food and shelter, are met.