Secret Service Agents Blow Whistle On Biden, His Penchant For Getting Naked & HRC

Cover Ups Crime

Joe Biden likes to go swimming in the nude, especially around his female Secret Service agents…and none are too happy about it. Of course, if Biden were a Republican, this would be sexual harassment, but since he isn’t, it’s not.

Ron Kessler, wrote about the Secret Service in a book titled The First Family Detail. He found that the worst assignment Secret Service agents can get is Hillary Clinton. The second worst is Joe Biden.

Kessler wrote:

“Mr. Biden’s lack of consideration was even more stunning when it came to female agents, who were offended that the vice president bizarrely swam naked in front of them often daily at his pools at the vice president’s residence in Washington and at his home in Delaware.”

The agents also complain about his lack of scheduling. at the last minute he will decide to fly or ride home and the agent’s personal lives were often disrupted. Lack of consideration from the politically elite is to be expected as is sexual assault.

From Breitbart News

He put this perv show on almost every day.

While Secret Service agents have nothing but nice things to say about the Obamas and Trumps, who are consistently considerate of those protecting them, Biden was consistently thoughtless.

With just a few moments notice, Biden would decide to fly home to Delaware, disrupting any plans the agents might have had. This turned their “personal lives into nightmares.”

“It’s tough on people’s family lives and marriages,” a Secret Service agent told Kessler. “Because of the fluid schedule, we don’t have the manpower to allow any time for firearms requalification or physical fitness training.”

“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe, and that’s his thing,” a second agent added. “But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”Think about the kind of sick pervert who would, without her consent, expose himself to a female Secret Service agent?

If you want to talk about a man abusing his power, how about the vice president of the United States parading around naked in front of helpless, female Secret Service agents who have no agency to pushback — they just shut up and take it from a jerk they’re willing to take a bullet for.

0 thoughts on “Secret Service Agents Blow Whistle On Biden, His Penchant For Getting Naked & HRC

  1. Old news, but it does need to repeated over and over again. This dementia jerk is a joke to America and a bigger JOKE to the world!

    1. Does anyone remember when there was talk about Obama being impeached and Biden becoming president?  Obama said to the press “Have you met Joe?”  Says it all.

  2. Buydin is a pervert and always has been and everyone with an I.Q. over 12 knows that…yet morons voted for “IT”!

  3. Note: Think Joe has ever had a true leadership thought/consideration in his entire life? But, just when you think Joe is our biggest problem along come Mitch, Nancy, and and Chucky!


    The Seven C’s of Leadership according to a survey of Vietnam era ground combat veterans listed of the order of their importance to the veterans are; Candor, Competence, Consistency, Commitment, Courage, Compassion, and Courtesy. The reason the soldiers in the survey chose the word “candor” is because candor encompasses both omission and co-mission. To a combat soldier lack of absolute candor, be it co-mission or omission, are equal sins! In short, soldiers expect/demand absolute candor from their leaders before all else. Note: I regret that I can not disclose the actions many soldiers took when those appointed to lead them were less than candid with them! All I will say is that many combat soldiers proved to be masters of the application of cost effective personnel management tools!

    During my career in government service I have observed that democrats are masters of co-mission while republicans are masters of omission! Regardless, the disregard of absolute candor (and the absence of the other six C’s of leadership) has resulted in the American people being the most effectively lied to people in modern times thanks primarily to the American political class, the American bureaucracy, the American media, and American academia.

    Challenge: Though most politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, media types, etc. do not seem to recognize the fact that they are elected/appointed to serve the American people, not to lead them from womb to tomb! That aside, can anyone name three individuals from any of the categories of personnel mentioned herein who display with consistency that they are aware of and practice the Seven C’s of Leadership?

    Soldier/Cop/Grunt, Retired
    1. One more thought regarding Donald J. Trump. It is said he has never left a job undone; he always leaves when the job is done! Guess what? The job ain’t done!
    2. Donald, one final though I will help in any way except; I ain’t going to tote one of those damn M-60’s. S/C/G


  5. Biden is only a mouth piece for the Democrats and sometimes not then as Biden don’t remember what he has said. The crooked Democrats put words into Biden’s mouth and he forgets what they were and says something different. Biden is not fit to be the President with his mind the way it is. What is going to happen is Biden will get America into a War with China or others by saying the wrong thing.

  6. Like Trump, the Reagans’ stayed in DC because other wise the Secret Service would not be able to have Christmas with their families.

    1. He used to take the train every day or week.  I guess the SS decided it was no longer safe.  Near the air port when he flies in and out they have a traffic alert for the joe jam

      1. Route 141, 52 up to Greenville–and they stop all the traffic on I-95. It’s a mess. They have to take him home to pump him up for the new week and to practice his speeches! 

  7. Since the female agents could expect no support from their egency, they should have all agreed to look at him when it was their turn and laughed as loud as they could!

    1. I think ignoring him is safer for your job.  Remember freedom.  He is essentially at his home when in DE and now in DC.  He is not in public exposing himself, so far.

      1. Interesing prospective Pat. No matter how preverted he is-they just need to do their job-no matter how revolting… agree.

  8. they should report of the action around female agents to their HR department. Exposing yourself to a female on the job is against the law Like Jerky Joe preaches No one is above the law

    1. Please sign the petition to Impeach this fake President: Text 55444 The Articles are sitting in Pelosi’s lap but she refuses to bring to the floor. Help Marjorie Taylor Green, Congresswoman from Georgia, to get the articles to the Congress! 


    1. I heard his former boss like doing something like that on his private Jet.while his people watched.true or not only his people know and the reason the statues and suuch guns etc are being conficated and the mask wearing is because Behind every demented democratic president is even a more demented former president really running the show he didn;t finifh getting the muslims in place so he;s going through sleepy joe who really never was his friend,he good at using people. former President Obama is running the show that is why one of the people reconised the hand writing as not being pres.joe Bidens but thought it was jill Bidens when reall it;s obama;s. we have been sucked in by the democrats who want to give the 16 yr.olds voting power.i say never in fact put it back to 21 we must realise now that even at 21 some have no idea what socialism is . would be every nov 11th.the tv.showed the Sullivan Brothers during the celebration of the 2ndworld war. if that doesn;t make the younger generation sit up and take notice i;d say they need to be drafted real life  shock.i was born the year before the war and let me tell you i at 3 remember the black shade the hiding behind the couch in our parlor,and in school,we were taught to get under our desks and cover our necks and scrunch up then the next year or two wewent down to the basements girls in theirs andboys in theirs up against the cols cement and scrunched up away from windows.these kids toay have no idea they need military schools for the children and respect for guns not a toy. we need to get ready for the big one because it;s coming closer than you think and this muslim is planning a takeover thats why the masks and confication of guns and by the way his little finger is.even close to what President Trump stand sfor love of country ,people and god first. many more to we will never give up loving and helping President Trump.

    2. I would have to hand it to the secret service agent for not breaking down into hysterical laughter after he sashayed by! I’d been rolling on the floor laughing with tears in my eyes.  He’s a demented fool. Maybe she was hoping he’d drown!!

  10. Biden was a born sexual predator. From sniffing little girls hair to feeling off any woman he wanted to during interviews. He is pathetic and warped.

  11. I don’t care who you are he is no better than anyone else–He has a mental problem and his wife needs to have this looked into–I don’t care if he is in charge or as VP if he would have touched me or stripped down in front of me he would have found my foot in hos balls. Who the hell does this man think he is NOT God’s gift that is for sure. Take your perverted brainless body back to your basement!!

  12. When Joe wants to swim in the nude the secret service should just walk away.  Nobody will attempt to do anything to a 78+ year old man because they won’t want see his swriffled up body!!!!

  13. Hey Joey boy, Did you get a kick out of parading around your pool nude in front of your secret service women??  That’s power is it not!! You go you bad boy!!  Was Hunter with you?.

  14. China-Joe is a POS. I doubt if he gets any respect from anyone other than those who kiss his a$$ to get ahead.He is and has always been scum.

    1. Pervert, paedophile, misogynist, liar, thief, useless, brain dead, stutterer, unstable, racist, fool, amoral idiot, should I go on about Biden? I think it amazing such a cretin could even BE President. Everything everybody said in this list I agree with. Maybe Putin will solve our problem for us when they meet (if they meet) ?

      1. You are right with every apply those to the dumocraps that nominated this perverted traitor for that office and created a fraudulent election to get him in!!!  YOU ever going to vote dumocrap again?  me NEVER! imho

  15. I am nota Biden fan by any stretch but Stop whining and do your job.The OLD boy Scouts had a motto, be ready,who knows what they say or do now.

  16. I wouldn’t take a bullet for this half-brained man.  In fact I’d shove him in the line of fire and hope he rots in hell where hs belongs!  Disgusting what he did as VP to secret service agents.  The man is the laughing stock of the world.

    1. Agreed! But this asshat is anything else but a man. Treasonous Trader Lying throw American people under the bus corrupt phony president. 

  17. I find it a national embarrassment that the mysoginist biden isn’t removed from office for secusl assault, TREASON,and being a terrorist! It’s slso no surprise that biden has lived 50+ years on the public dole and everyone thinks he’s a horrible,nasty rapist and commits felonies that would send all of us to prison for life!

  18. Biden, say goodbye to the Presidency, or be removed by force. This nudity kick is revolting, as you are. Running around nude in front of your security detail shows you have no control over your actions, and is a “clear and present danger” to everyone who is around you. I would not take a bullet for you – no way. I would enjoy watching it happen.

    1. This swimming nude bullshyt is not new the demented demonic a.h. was doing that while a V.P. for obozo!!

  19. I can’t believe biden is walking around free when he’s been committing felonies, treason and terrorist acts for over 50+ years! Both Clintons are scum as well. It must be a nightmare to be assigned to either of them!? Their marriage has always been arranged for politics, likevthe obamas since Barry prefers Men!

    1. Thanks to the media and because they’re Democrats it’s that cut-and-dry when you see what goes on now at press conferences they won’t even ask a question it’s right in front of them and it’s so blatant I have finally figured out that they don’t even care that they lie straight to the American people and especially their own people on the left because they think they’re mostly morons and idiots anyway that they don’t care they continue to vote these morons back in about how bad they treat him especially a lot of black Americans. They figured this out a long time ago back from Lyndon Johnson and they keep screwing him over left and right but those morons continue to vote for him even if they’re getting screwed

  20. What in the world could that little husk of a man have that he is so proud of that he has to show it off every chance he gets? What a demented old fool.


    1. One must remember  doc. Jill can figure out what’s wrong with old joe lol as long as he leaves her alone … she don’t care .  More then likely she hitting it with a young agent 

    2. His wife is an adulterous bitch that wanted the limelight, she has NO HONOR, NO INTEGRITY, NOT DECENCY, NO TRUTH or she would not let the retarded a.h. make a fool of himself..she doesn’t give a shyt, as long as she is in the limelight!  they are freaking DISGUSTING! imho

  22. Still trying to prove , he’s the “Macho Man”, before the pretty FBI Agents.    They’re so disturbed, if they new a bullet is coming for Joe, they’d step aside.

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  27. EVERYONE has for many years known the a.h. was a perverted pedophile….the ones that should be surprised are the retards that voted for the a.h.?  imho

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    1.  Secret service must be paying good ,12 grand for he president to swim naked  in front of  you,  Is beinga pervert   part of your job description or  you’re just liking it.

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  30. The visual I now have stuck in my mind is just BaaaD….I am not sure it will go away anytime soon  :-[  …..Old wrinkled skin with grey ‘down there hair’ and a dimented old peacock ‘strutting around’ like he is God’s Gift to women. He should be jailed for more than one reason…this is just an addition to that list.

    1. Everyone woild have heard this if the MSM had done their jobs. My father gave me an example of if, a two letter word meaning impossible.

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  52. I would tell Joe Biden is nothing but a pervert and put your bathing suit on. He shows no respect for these women who are protected is worthless butt. I know what I would do if I was there but I can’t say it. Joe Biden is a disgrace to America and the people there to protect him. Lowlife scum bag. Never should of been put in the White House. Unqualified for any office in our government. Loser.

  53. They could insult him…no…man can’t stand criticism when it comes to their parts…making size jokes would definitely make him stop showing his flaws…he should be charged with sexual harassment by both men and female agents…

  54. And of course, his wife would have nothing to say on this.  They’re both a pair of morally deficient elitists and they brought their children up the same way.

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  60. The Secret Service’s experience with Biden is exactly what one would expect.
    The mistake would be to expect otherwise.

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