IN CASE YOU MISSED IT .. THIS WAS CLASSIC| Not a day goes by where an out of touch, mega wealthy, Hollywood leftist, who lives in a mansion and is living the capitalist dream, attacks President Trump in some sort of unhinged, nonsensical rant.
Today’s ‘star’ to attack Trump is Ron Howard.
I’m sure you remember Ron Howard from the iconic TV show, Happy Days:
What a cute lil feller, eh? I have fond memories of watching Happy Day’s reruns on Saturday mornings on our little cathode ray tube when I was growing up.
Well, now that Ron is all grown up, his true character has begun to shine through.
As if it is some sort of right of passage on the left coast, especially in the film business, to launch baseless attacks on President Trump, Howard took to Twitter to slander our President:
In the entertainment industry many who have known/worked w/ Trump think that while his reality show was fun and ran a long time, he’s a self-serving, dishonest,morally bankrupt ego maniac who doesn’t care about anything or anyone but his Fame & bank account & is hustling the US
— Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) January 1, 2020
“In the entertainment industry many who have known/worked w/ Trump think that while his reality show was fun and ran a long time, he’s a self-serving, dishonest,morally bankrupt ego maniac who doesn’t care about anything or anyone but his Fame & bank account & is hustling the US” Howard Tweeted
He must be referring to those foreign energy sector board seats that Trump’s children got while their dad was in office.
Wait, no, that was Hunter Biden.
Perhaps he is referring to the alleged ‘China Hustle’ which is said to have defrauded investors out of billions?
No, that, allegedly, was Hunter Biden.
Oh, I know, I think he was talking about the allegations of the 156,000,000 dollar plus ‘counterfeiting’ scam.
Poop, no, that too was … Hunter Biden.
Ok, Ok, he must have been talking about the Trump Foundation receiving well over $100,000,000 after his State Department signed off on the transfer of 20%+ of our nation’s uranium supply to Russia, via a Canadian company, right?
Nope, that was HRC.
Ok, I’m stumped. I mean, surely he can not be talking about the Dow’s record high under Trump?
I could go on, but you get the point.
Luckily, conservative firebrand, Mike Cernovich took Howard to task:
You take money from communist China.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) January 2, 2020
And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is how it is done.
I never like his show and never care for that guy he is a fake and I knew that sooner or late he will show his real colors.
The actors in hollywood have more money than they can ever spend and rather than giving it to the needy they use it to hurt those who have been working to make life better for all Americans. Ron Howard has been “acting” since he was a child star and he has grown up to be a full fledged Hollywood communist all the while keeping most of the billions he has received over the decades. Hello Howard – when are you going to begin giving some of your billions to the poor? Perhaps you are all talk while living a life of luxury. Give some of your billions to the truly needy citizens in our country.
Everyone must remember Laws, Rules, and Regulations DO NOT APPLY to LIBERALS. Since MORALS are a form of Rules they don’t apply to LIBERALS. This means that any LIBERAL claiming someone is IMMORAL means less than NOTHING because they DO NOT have any idea what MORALITY is. Sadly Opie did not retain the teachings from the Andy Griffith show.
I am really disappointed in Ron Howard. I, like many others, watched him grow up from Andy Griffith as Opie through Richie Cunningham on Happy Days. I even admired his talents creating movies. How can he be so ignorant. Especially now,
seeing how Biden is destroying all the accomplishments Trump had.
He probably has a framed picture of himself between B.O. and Joe. ( the 3 stooges )
Oh, I know, he was on that ship that was called “Ship of Fools”. A shame that Hollywood ruined him but they are just an extension of the swamp in the Capitol and the Liberal media.
It appears that Opie has gone a little dopey.
Lil’ Opey has turned into Lil’ Dopey! Actually Dopey, the Real President lost
700 million dollars while in office for 4 years and gave every salary to
several charities including military. So while Hollywood elites sit on their
hills with 24 hour security, True Americans trudge through every day, some
not knowing where their next meal is coming from. So until you live in
REAL PEOPLE’S SHOES…..Don’t talk! !!
He was a lot smarter as Opey who lived in Mayberry on Andy Griffith Show!
Ron Howards mind is as empty as his head is of hair!
I am always amused when these “Dance Hall Dandies” feign upset with the Trump personality/attitude. I didn’t realize he was in a “Nice Guy” contest. I believe his title line was “You’re Fired”!! On the other hand, when he was the chief executive, his mantra was “America First” and he did a damn fine job while there. Of course he was not supposed to be elected and that “by itself” was probably why he won. The democrat’s were so certain that “Hustling Hillary” was a “shu-in” that they didn’t bother to ‘fortify’ the election process — a mistake they corrected in the 2020 contest. While his detractors fret, President Trump has only to ‘bask’ in his successes while the MSM gnash their teeth and cannonade away. Ho Hummmmm.
Where oh WHERE is Senator McCarty now when we really need HOLLYWOOD SCANNED FOR THE CREEPS THAT INFEST IT NOW.
I think sat mornings on a black and white TV would be little Ronny Howard in the show Mayberry $()& anyway . Lol
He’s a tool everything is so easy for him til he gets his wish , ask the rich what happened during the Cultural Revolution?
This is the 2nd article by Beltway I read tonight with Grammar/Grammatical/Spelling errors. It is tough reading after the first error and harder after the 2nd.
Please, tell me how you spell Chicom. The article starts with Chlcom. Please proof read before posting. It does improve credibility of the content.
Definition of Chicom at
Slang: Disparaging.. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Communist Chinese.
I didn’t check to see if there was a Chlcom definition.
So sad in todays world that we are not all perfect. I had no problem reading and understanding the article. I only know of one perfect person to ever walk the face of our great world. They called him JESUS!!!
It is all well and good, but it does show a little bit of intelligence when we do spell words the correct way, and use punctuation correctly.
I’m sure there are many COMMUNISTS that have the mental capacity to spell. But having common sense is a rarity on the Democratic side.
How about “non existant”?
You mean like yor buffoon drooling Joe, and his HO?
This site needs a spell check or an edit button- not that everyone is illiterate, but that sometimes our mind runs faster than our fingers and it’s hard to keep up…
Frank Parks, agreed, none of ua are perfect. I don’t think Mark B. is expecting that. However, public articles, whether newspaper or on the internet should be grammatically correct and no misspelled words. It isn’t just Beltway, it’s everywhere. In my opinion, it is the result of our schools not teaching the basics to students at grade school levels because the students are being indoctinated with crap like “Critical race Theory” and a lot of other ideological nonsense and socialist propaganda. Yes, JESUS is great.
Uh, hey chucklemon, you misspelled indoctrinated.
I agree the schools have been shyt since the communists got into the N.E.A….but those kids are not adults and too freaking lazy or stupid to go find out what they were cheated out of in marxist schools system! imho
typo on mine, says “not” when it should say “now adults”!
True. Beltway needs to hire an 8th grade proof reader.
Howard , trump is not o e of you commie demoncrats
4627824 823427I as well conceive so , perfectly indited post! .23424
Little Opie has a big mouth spewing nonsense. Poor little fella……..
Opie the Dopie; grab him by the nose and kick him in the a**.
“In the entertainment industry” = in fasntasy land
I’m very disappointed in Ron Howard. He could be such an asset to our country. Instead, he chooses to trash the very country, and the one man, Trump, who is fignting for the freedom of our country, that has given him so much wealth and opportunity. Ron Howard, sit on it.
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Prostitution “pays” huh?
Well, poor, confused Opie learned from the best. He spent his formative years in the company of one of the worst Hollywood leftists ever, Andy Griffith.
I refuse to spend one cent on the hollywood’s product Movies! Have been to moiesa in 10 uyeaqrs and don’t miss it one bit. wise up when Hollywood is suffering because of lack of idiots willing to pay big bucks to view a moxie Things will Change !!!
Stop aiding and and abetting by stop spending money on Trash!!!
Sorry for typo’s you will get what’m saying any way.
I think Ron Howard needs to shut his pie hole and put his head back up Fonzie’s a$$ where it belongs.
Lots of us think that’s exactly what you are doing, Ronnie!
Wow even Opie is turning rabbit . Stick to making movies Opie , that’s what your good at , not attacking the better president . You now turned into a Hollywood dumb ass and I hope no one go’s to or watch any of your movies any more . I know I won’t . Boycott opies movies he makes to show the dumb ass’s of Hollywood their nothing , their words mean nothing to us
He’s been a Hollywood dumbass for quite sometime!
Well old Baldy is not that good at making MOVIES, so perhaps he should just stick to his Happy Days Reruns as his shining star when he had hair, but of course, it was FONZIE that was the star of that show!
Remember his name on the show was “Dopey Opie.” Guess it still applies!
Screw ronny boy, another shit hollywood dick! I refuse to capitalize the dumb asses name.
From a “cute” kid, to a “freak” looking liberal.Stick to what you know something about..>>making movies that are “make believe”. You, never lived in “reality”. Stay quiet, You sound like “Meathead” Michael Stivic.
So we should just take the opinion of a self-serving, dishonest, morally bankrupt ego maniac like Ron Howard as gospel truth? Sure after all he played a wholesome all American boy on TV. No one knew how dishonest, disingenuous, self-serving, corrupt and morally bankrupt he was then. Ah, Opie Cunningham we thought we knew you, but you are just the same scum as the rest in the Hollywood slime pond.
Opie wasn’t CORRUPT back then – that took decades of exposure to flaming LIEberals!! Now he’s gone (Opie) and has been replaced by Ron the Con!!
Shut up Opie. Keep your hatred to yourself.
Opie likes capitalism for him and Hollywood but not for the American people. Raise in la la land all his life. Has billions from China. He doesn’t want to upset our enemies. Very Unamerican spoil brat. How about you give away all your money like the democrats want all rich people should do. Give to the veterans who died or hurt who gave you the freedoms to be a piece of crap. People didn’t watch happy days because of you its was Henry they watch.. You whine about that too. Ego a little too big there Opie?
Ron Howard needs to shut up! He is either reading Hollywood BS or he is just stupid. Once a reputable entertainment phenom he has sunk to a mindless dodo!
But gee, didn’t Opie make quite a bit of money in the entertainment industry too?
Yep, Opie has now made his mark, made his declaration, is now rated and approved…. to make another movie by the Hollywood standard, hate Trump.
Democrats are NOT what they used to be!!! I can remember when all poor people was a Democrat and now since Obama has had his turn in the White House things have changed!!! Now the Democrats have ALL turned to communism!!! I used to be a Democrat until what I’ve learned and now I am a Republican and very proud of it!!!
Been sleeping long?? Democrats have always been on the wrong side of compassion, sense, and intelligence!! ALWAYS!!!
It should be patently obvious that Hollywood a&%holes are NOT Americans and ARE NOT PATRIOTS either!!
Dopie, I’ve always been a fan of your work. You made some great, and enjoyable movies. I guess growing up in a fantasy world was very beneficial in your becoming an excellent director/producer. Please stay in your fantasy world…….you are of no good out here in the real world.
I think Andy Taylor (Ansy Griffit), if he were alive would beatch slap lil dopey into never ever land. Stupid little beatch punk
You’re wrong John,
Andy Griffith was a screaming liberal.
Screw you ronnie boy!! Wasn’t this country responsible for your enormous wealth you dip shit asshole?
He’s virtue signalling.. must have a movie he wishes to come to fruition.
Why don’t you just shut your pie hole Oppie. Nobody cares what you have to say moron!!!
” The universe runs on three things : ENERGY, MATTER, and ENLIGHTENED SELF-INTEREST. “. That’s why I vote for Trump.
You missed the most important! The word of Almighty God!!!
“Opie” should have stayed in Mayberry, NC . . . Ron Howard’s career is over . . . BOYCOTT !
AGREED! he is dead meat as far as I am concerned…used to like and respect him,…..that is GONE!!
That’s why they call it “Hollyweed”
It seems to me, Mr. Howard, that as long as Donald Trump was entertaining you , he was a swell guy- but when he got serious and took on the presidency to save this country from the communists and “socialist progressives” who are hell bent on destroying this country, you demwits lose the ability for self expression and ring the same old tired bell of hatred for a man who actually was making a difference and bringing people together. I might be going out on a limb for saying this, but when you Hollywood hypocrites are wondering how best to dig his grave, he will have heard the trumpet and be one of the first living persons to meet the Lord in the air. Don’t forget the man on the cross next to Jesus, who led a terrible criminal life, just said, ” Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”, and Jesus replied , ” I say to you today, you will be with me in my kingdom.” How many of your cohorts will be able to even acheive what that criminal acheived ?
Whoreywood is so full of perverts and pedophiles they were/have been/and still are scared to death of a President that will expose them! as is our freaking perverted imitation government!!
what does opie have to hide?
Marxism, anti american tendencies, dumb as a ph–king box of rocks….thats a good start! imo
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Ron Howard is so very meaningless to say those things about President Trump 45. Just because he directs low class Hollywood actors doesn’t make him a great man while Trump’s acheivements pass Ron much farther.
Give little ronny a break, his net worth is only around 2 hundred million dollars. No one can live on that.
Lil Opie grew into an anti american marxist P.O.S. who I will not longer watch, support!!!
I know. After watching The Andy Griffith Show in the 50s and 60s, and now to see Ron Howard grew up and turned into and what he really is, is disappointing.
Ronnie needs to take a hard look at his commie self
Would somebody please give Ron Howard a glass of warm milk, a nice lil pat on his bald head, and tuck his old butt in bed.
ron who
you know, ron the con, these stupid morons from Lala land do not have a functioning brain, it’s called high on ignorance and We The People could not give 2 chits what these weirdo’s think or like, OPEE KEEP YOUR IGNORANTS TO YOURSELF, STICK IT ALONG WITH YOUR DUMB COVID SHOT UP YOUR AS
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“The American people who have known/watched Joe Biden think that while his political career has ran for a long time, he’s a self-serving, dishonest,morally bankrupt ego maniac who doesn’t care about anything or anyone but his Fame & bank account & is hustling the US.”
FIFY Dopey Opey
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Dopey….coming from an ignorant pretender who can’t wipe his own butt, we don’t care what this liberal f*cking POS thinks!
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Dear Opie, As you have been in “the business” since you were in diapers (along with your brother), pretty sure You are in it for the money and fame, and NOT to the benefit of the “real people.” Doubt you have ever had to truly do without. So please leave “your” public with the images of “Happy Days” and “Willow.”
Christy….Well said and without the hate talk. Willow was a great movie, happy days, not so much.
Hey Opie! Do your next 4 films for FREE like Trump worked his ass off for 4 years for NOTHING except asinine LIEberal attacks!!!
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DUMP SHITS like him that voted for dump shit president biden again F U opie. You F N idiot. This world biden made would never had happen under our GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP. go grab a dildo and well you know.
do not be jealous because TRUMP has nice hair on the top of his head. bald ass wipe..kissing to much democrat ass made you go bald. when your head is up their ass.
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Well here are Facts about what the Left are doing and read it Close and maybe we can find a way to get back at them for Lying too
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Call the number….They’re just giving the money away! Lol… IGNORAMUS!
Huh, is Dopey Opie trying to be relavent and saying somethng stupid again? I wasn’t listening and neither were the people who actually contribute to the success of America and make our country work.
Never thought upstanding Ron would cave to the power of money…..what did they pay you Ron? Hollywood runs rampant with souless people ….does Lucifer own all the souls in Hollywood? Maybe you haven’t seen the many stories of Trump …Paying off a mortgage of someone in need , or buying a new truck for someone broken down on the road to Atlantic City , or putting food in the refrigerators of poor people…he dosen’t brag about any of that , but people are coming forward in his defense….BTW He helps people no matter what color…..All colors work in his Organization, but you don’t bother to look that up….Hollywood and all Liberals accuse him of Racism, Disregard for others, and being consumed about having money…..which much of it he donates to helping others….He was the best Pres. in a long time…things were moving along , people were starting to make enough money to actually survive…the border was SECURE, the Races were getting along, the Gov’t was staring to be under control, the stock market was booming and we had RESPECT FROM OTHER COUNTRIES BECAUSE WE HAD A STRONG LEADER IN TRUMP. NOW EVERYTHING HAS TURNED TO S**T !
I know some liberals and when I say all that, they say he inherited it all from St. Obama. There are many people that are so brainwashed by the MSM they actually believe that BS. Do all democrat presidents blame the last president for what they themselves have done? Pretty much.
If RH was as smart as he thinks he is, he would have been in the WH. Instead, he tries to stay relevant by criticizing others.
Just another hollywierd with TDS.
Old Opie is a lowlife, pathetic, slimy, hollyweird piece of shit. Accuses the innocent people of what he is doing, like all the rest of those weirdos. Hey shitbird Opie, if you don’t like it here, please leave. I promise we won’t miss you jerk wad.
Just Saying!!!!! What do you think you Hollywood “performers” are doing? What I’d like to see is a full explanation regarding why something he did as president was wrong. If you claim he is prejudiced give examples and why the example proves bias. I’m betting none of you can do that. Oh, and explain why Joe is “good” for the country inflation and all.
Opie Taylor, Spoken like a kneeing liberal!!!
Opie had red hair then he lost it and still mad at the world.
I believe he’s on Opie oids.
Hey Opie! Shove it.
Wow. Ron Howard is a grown up child actor, turned director with no idea what he is talking about but sucks up to his lefty buddies.
I guess he has to be the Trump hater to be in with the money guys for his directing jobs. They all have DTS because they just can’t help following each other. They have chosen to dismiss over half the country, money not to be in their pockets anymore.
How could such a cute kid turn out to be such ugly adult?
Successful hollyweird.they live in a bubble.
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Opie is a dopie!
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As usual…A *Hollyweed elitist…that has lost complete touch with reality , & is self-absorbed…cannot see the truth for what it actually is! Where do these “Elitist”, white un-educated idiots get their self-importance? { Out of a Cracker jack box?} :O{{{ Howard is so stupid & un-attached….he missed all the Great things Trump did!…{ all for America}…Howard’s America! What a stupid detached Hollyweed fool!
Old Opie is on the crack pipe again. Ole shit for brains Howard is exactly like the rest of those libtards in Mexafornia. I hope all the decent hardworking Californians get out of the illegal alien safe haven and the whole state sinks into the Pacific Ocean along with every libtard. This will prevent further contamination of their evil, libtard ideas. Great idea! By libtards.
Remember Al Gore got rich lying to people about Climate change. And California is supposed to be gone by now. FOOLS that paid money to listen to his LIES! He laughs at you foolish LEFTIES every day.
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Online porn pays, I see.
Another washed up actor wanting to be relavant again!
Talk about clickbait! How about telling the whole story of HOW or WHY he gets money from China? I could say the same about you. How about the whole story?
F dopie, I mean Opie Taylor, Boycott anything he is involved in!
I’d take that “hustler” in a minute over the doddering, incompetent, embarrassment we have staggering around the capitol today. He was the best president we had in thirty years, in spite of the low life attacking him for five years. He cared about the American people and his actiohns proved it.
He was a child actor but he wasn’t the star of the shows he was on. Most all of hollywood talks BS about Trump. They don’t realize that we made them rich by going to their movies, buying their movies. Heck with them.
I spell “Heck” by deleting the c and k, then adding 2 L’s.
That is why I have NOT been to a movie in 20 years. Sports event in 25 years. And I tell everyone to quit giving your money to these Really, Communist who have all gotten rich off of Capitalism from your money and are very ungrateful.
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Poor Opie thought he was smart enough to get one over on Trump for his commie friends . Sorry there bucko you lose again , like you hair . One would think the dumb ass Hollywood so called elite would learn by now , but you can see … you can’t fix stupid …
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Yea you can fix Stupid…with a Guillitoin!
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SHUT UP Opie! You just showed your IGNORANCE Again!
When little OPie lost his hair, the few brains he had went with it !
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And you used to be such a cute kid Opie 🙁 Some advice dear, don’t just don’t. Trump has too many followers & you insult them all. Next you’ll be telling us how fantastic Fauci is & to get the jab. Stop now, just stop it.
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If the only thing President Trump had cared about was his wealth, he NEVER would have run for President. He is the only person that became president that left office worth less than when he went in, except maybe back in our early history. Trump ran for President for one reason, he wanted to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. He was on the road to do it, now Biden/Harris are on the road to destroy this country. I wish the Hollyweird idiots would just keep their mouths shutd. TRUMP 2024
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Would I be working with Jizzlane Maxwell? I hear she is a good mentor.
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Would I have to fly on a plane with the other girls? I have trouble keeping things down when it get bouncy.
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Ron Howard, you have turned into a true Marxist and a hypocrite and joined the rank and file of all the Commies/Socialists in that slime bucket you people call Hollywood. I realy liked you onthe Andy Giffith show but now I see what you turned into.
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Poor Opie … his puzzy hurts cause he can’t make and sell his movies after turning to the dark side . So he thinks by attacking Trump he will gain the spot light again . He’s wrong tho , he’s a washed up has been like the rest of them . There are no real men left in Hollywood . The Duke and the REAL men of Hollywood of old are turning over in their graves because of the weak so called men that folded to the delusional democrats like a cheap shirt . No real men with real balls left in Hollywood .
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Everybody can earn $750 Daily… Yes! you can earn more than you think by working online from home. l have been doing this job for Iike a few weeks and my Iast week payment was exactIy 3871 doIIars. See More Info….
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Google is presently paying $210447 to $113025 every month for working on the web from home. I have joined this activity 2 months back and I have earned $15248 in my first month from this activity. I can say my life is improved totally! Look at it what I do….
Sure is a shame that “OPIE” grew up to be such a Communist supporter. But, we all know with some folks the almighty $$$$$DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$$ talks very loudly. Guess OPIE is just one more China loving fool.