Man…things really got heated on “The Five” program on Fox News after Juan Williams and Greg Gutfeld got into a verbal argument.
Mr. Williams was reacting and interrupting something that Dana Perino was saying and that didn’t sit well with Gutfeld.
Things got a little intense at the Fox News program “The Five” as Juan Williams reacted to a statement by Dana Perino.
Gutfeld interjected, and Williams, the lone liberal on the panel, responded, “Are you guys ever gonna let me finish?” Gutfeld argued that Williams was “always finishing” and that Gutfeld was simply trying to be polite to another host.
Williams inexplicably categorized a furious Gutfeld and co-panelist Jesse Watters as being “deep in the bunker.” Gutfeld, whose head seemed ready to explode, exclaimed after the second bunker reference, “What you’re intimating is that who is in the bunker? Adolf Hitler, correct?” An exasperated Williams denied that the reference had anything to do with Hitler.
“Gosh, are you guys gonna ever let me finish!” exclaimed Williams.
“No, because you’re always ‘finishing’!” said Gutfeld. “There’s somebody sitting there who hasn’t said a damn word!”
“You are so deep in the bunker and—” Williams began, but Gutfeld, clearly livid, cut him off.
“Oh shut up, Juan!” yelled Gutfeld. “I’m in nobody’s ‘bunker.’ Enough with your ‘bunker’—! I’m trying to be polite to somebody on the panel, Juan — which you won’t do, which you won’t do!”
Juan sniffed in disgust, “Oh my god.”
Later, as Jesse Watters dismisses Cohen’s testimony as having failed to provide any meaningful new evidence, Williams drops his “bunker” reference again. This time, Gutfeld goes nuclear.
“Again, you’re so blind, because you, like Greg, are deep in the bunker.”
“You know, if you say that again, I’m going to throw you off the set,” says Gutfeld, apparently serious.
“Oh no!” Williams says mockingly.
“Because you know what the bunker means?” says Gutfeld, leaning in and pointing at him across the table. “What your intimating is that who is in the bunker? Adolf Hitler, correct?”
“No I was not,” says Williams.
“No, no, no, that’s what you’re saying.”
“You’re so far off,” says Williams, repeating, “No,” and trying to explain himself.
“You choose the worst intent of people’s words,” says Gutfeld. “Like when I say that I believe something, I’m in the bunker.”
Things getting a bit heated today between @greggutfeld and @TheJuanWilliams on @TheFive – Clip:
— johnny dollar (@johnnydollar01) February 27, 2019
There's about to be a fist fight on Fox News
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) February 27, 2019
Williams is exiting “The Five” but will remain on board at Fox as an analyst. He will no longer commute to New York, staying in Washington, D.C., with his family instead. He thanked viewers for growing ratings after six years on the show.