President Trump has made promises to expose corruption in Washington and by God, he’s done it again. This time he has set his sights on Democratic presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren.
Warren has been caught using billions of hardworking American taxpayer dollars to fund radical left organizations.
An organization created by Elizabeth Warren called The Consumer Financial Bureau is meant to hand down financial regulations to banks and lenders that seemed to need some sort of disciplinary action from the government. But is that what she really spent all that money on?
It appears that Warren is actually using the funds collected to contribute toward far-left political organizations. So whether you wanted it to or not, your money was used to help fund the left.
The CFPB has been exposed to have funneled as much as $5 billion of the penalties they levied against legitimate businesses into Obama’s network of community organizers. That is the exact same group of activists Warren had been counting on to carry her message of open borders, white privilege, and a whole list of social justice issues that would distract people from her Marxist policies.
Liberals are all corrupt hypocrites and claim it is the conservatives that need to be investigated. They are deflecting and liberals are infamous for their constant application of this tactic for the sole purpose of hiding their illegal and corrupt agenda.