BUSTED! Soros & John McCain’s Treason Exposed!

Donald Trump Government Corruption

ICYMI – How creepy is it when you find out that George Soros hired his own detective to work with the Senate Armed Forces Committee, chaired by NeverTrumper John McCain in order to frame Donald Trump by making it appear that he was colluding with Russia?

This should surprise no one because we already knew that McCain sent an aide to get a copy of the Steele/Clinton/DNC/PerkinsCoieFusion GPS Dossier. He then shopped it around and then supplied the FBI with a copy of it in hopes that Hillary would be president.

And it doesn’t surprise us that George Soros was working against Trump, but is a mild surprise to learn that the two were working together. But we now know that court documents reported by JusttheNews.com, we learn that The Dark Lord himself, George Soros, paid for his own investigator to work for the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee to plant the fake Trump-Russia story

John McCain allowed him to do it. If Soros is Voldemort, McCain must be Wormtail.

John Solomon and Lee Smith write at JusttheNews.com:

The revelation that a committee led by the Republican McCain and Democratic Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island engaged a nonprofit with significant partisan ties is certain to reverberate in Washington and further the GOP narrative that the Russia collusion allegations were more a political dirty trick than a legitimate counterintelligence concern. Mueller concluded there was no evidence Trump and Russia colluded to hijack the 2016 election.

From PJ Media

How did it work?

George Soros personally paid for an investigator, former FBI analyst Dan Jones, to frame Trump through his political organization called The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP).

A Soros spokesman told The Hill in 2019 that the billionaire philanthropist wrote a sizable check from his personal funds in fall 2017 to TDIP in hopes it would continue “investigation and research into foreign interference in American elections and European elections.” That spokesman said Soros later learned that Fusion and Steele, who had previously worked for the Clinton campaign, had done some work for TDIP.

They all worked together to destroy Trump by smearing him with the fake scandal.

Soros infused his TDIP group in to continue “the work started under the Clinton campaign by Fusion GPS and former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele seeking to link Trump to Russia collusion. Its tax filings show it raised $7 million in 2017 to start its work.”

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  2. I always said John MC Cain was a traitor to the United States. And this is even more PROOF. These Damn DEMOCRAT / Communist are the REAL INSURECTIONIST in DC. And yet not one Damn one of them are even under investigation. We have very little time to keep our Freedom. And we are going to have to fight our own Government. They are the Real TERROIST and the REAL THREAT to our country and us keeping our Freedom. All DC is doing now is taking our Freedoms away.

  3. The god news: McCain is dead – the bad news he’s in hell.
    He’s in hell for his lack of rekationship with Christ, and hes in hell for the other things he did that proved he had no relationship with Hid Fsther and or the Son and or the Holy Spirit.
    Tough too bad but he had a choice and he made it and bought in to the demonic

  4. The good news: McCain is dead –
    The bad news he’s in hell.
    He’s in hell for his lack of rekationship with Christ, and he’s in hell for the other things he did that proved he had no relationship with His Father and or the Son and or the Holy Spirit.
    Tough too bad but McCain had a choice and he made it and bought in to the demonic where I am sure he’s happy with the father he chose

  5. WHY, is SOREass still breathing? This POS ..IS the reason we have COWARD antifa, black LIES matter, and Sexually Confused FEmale and feMALE Democrat VERMIN  destroying AMERICA. 

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  9. McCain still has allies in the establishment GOP in AZ.  Just look at the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors:  they are 4-1 GOP vs Dem.

  10. McCain has always been a turncoat trader so it wasn’t surprising he worked to destroy Trump. McCain got his feeling hurt by Trump telling him off and didn’t like the truth. We knew all this years ago at the beginning of Trumps administration in 2016-17. We still just put the evidence and facts out there and our Justice Dept is so corrupt to, they won’t do anything and arrest Soros or Clinton along with all the others that should rotting in Gitmo forever for all they’ve done. No, they are still working to destroy our country and all that support the best President this country has had in a long time.

  11. This whole leftist Democratic administration should be made to step down, arrests made and republicans take the realm with the rightful President Trump reinstated.

    1. K:  Hello.  Totally agree !    That would be for the newly-in-power Republicans in 2022 election [hopefully to overcome the obvious cheating of election fraud by the demoncrats] to create and PASS a bill for a RECALL General Election !  That should result in President Trump getting back in [without pence, of course…but someone else as VP].
        Our Country will not survive to wait as long as 2024.   We need obiden bite-me and camel and that BADministration OUT ASAP.
      Aside:  K [Kay] was a character in the movie “Men in Black”…Tommy Lee Jones.  Ha.

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  17. President Trump needs to keep his big mouth nasty remarks to himself. HE continues to make enemies because of it. I love Trump, but even I cant stand it anymore.  PLEASE BE QUIET, SIR.

    1. I couldn’t agree more! He shoulders plenty of blame for the troubles that plagued his presidency. Lousy appointment, lousy advisers and his big mouth. The stupid tweeting, nicknames, picking unecessary fights… But the worst is claiming to be so smart and not seeing what was right before his ruses.McSTAIN and Soros go way back to Keating. McStain was involved in the IRS Scandal, sending his then advisor Henry Kerner to ” Audit them( Conservative grassroots groups) until financially ruinous”.
      Trump appointed Kerner to lead the Office OfEthics Counsel. He oversaw the Mueller Hoax and is responsible for going after Trump’s nearest and dearest
      McStain was a player in Fast and Furious, Ukraine, Muslin Brotherhood, Libya, Syria,Egypt, arming Al Qaeda..Lindsey,Menendez,Cardin,Warner,Flake,Burr,Biden,Romney,,Corker,McMulin,McMaster,Hillary,Pelosi,Schumer,Podesta,Rick Wilson,Gates,BakerBush,Christie,Krebbs,Coons,Lanny Davis,Sid Blumenthal, Mueller, Rosenstein, Wray, Barr, Haspel,Nuland, Yvonovich,Kent,Vindman,Milley,Coons,Lieberman,Hill,Atkisso, Chalupa,Klobuchar, Leahy,Lofgren..They’re all in it together
      Now Trump is destroying the chances of even former shoe in moderates to win.The latest is threatening the Alaskan Gov re: Murkowski.So they’ll both lose or she’ll be forced to switch parties. 
      Trump is responsible for losing Georgia. Yes, there was cheating, but he pushed Collins into the race. Kelly Loeffler was way ahead. Fighting with Kemp , Raffenberger during the election is on him!
      Now he’s bashing DeSantis. The only possible impetus is jealousy. If we ( Florida) lose out on DeSantis, Trump will go down as deserving his fate. So disappointed

      1. John McCain has been a Judas his entire life, this is just more proof of it, hard to believe as a prisoner of war that he didn’t rat out fellow POWs?  So because Trump has a big mouth, that excuses treason by McCain, Soros and The Witch? You sound like a lurking Libtard trying to cover for treasonists. Since when hasn’t the Left never had a big mouth, ie. the entire gaggle if them. Its about time working America has a street fighter president on their side, don’t count on any castrated Repubs to man-up for us.

    1. I rationalized his self defeating big mouth and lousy appointments because many of his policies were really great. Can’t do it anymore. He needs to STFU and go away.
      The GOP is long overdue for a total purge, modernization, a new brand,new image, new platform common sense, a plan and a spine. Trump was supposed to be the guy to get it done. Now the party is farther fundamentalist right, more male, older, whiter , more unappealing and culturally obsolete.And clueless. 
      Thanks for nothing. I’m really starting to believe that Trump is shilling for the Dems. There is no other logical answer for his increasingly deleterious behavior. The grievance tour is embarassing and pushing his shit vaccines is treacherous. Just to make him look good? It doesn’t. He is throwing the most brilliant, honorable, brave and accomplished, once revered scientists, doctors, researchers under the bus. Including 5 Nobel Laureates

      1. ^ Biden Marxist Democrat !  ^
                      ^ Who ^
        Never forget who they are ! ^Who ^  wanted to fundementally transform our Republic  ! 

    2. Sad to say, but he has understudies to take over where he leaves off.  His whole network needs to be destroyed.  Again, sorry to say, we don’t know how deep this network goes.  We know it is very deep, but don’t know all the players.  Soros and the Liberal Democrats are undoubtedly in bed together and are doing everything they can to destroy America.  

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  21. Disgusting and those still alive and here should be arrested immediately and put in prison forever. We have known all this long enough, now it’s been past due to do something for justice to ge done.

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    1. You’ll have to take out his demonic spawn as well as anyone else helping him run his organization to stop it all.

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