The more I learn about the Democrat Party, the more and more it feels like a political La Cosa Nostra.
Hell, it’s not just the Democrats, the RINOs have plenty of crime families of their own. Case in point, the Bush Crime Family of which George Bush SR was the ‘Don’, with his sons George W. and Jeb as his Capos. Under them you have soldiers like the up and coming George P Bush, the new Bush 2.0 who has some Hispanic blood in him.
On the left the examples are more prevalent. Take the obvious ones first, like the Clinton Crime Family with Bill as the beachhead and Hillary swooping in after him.
Then of course you have the Biden Crime Family with Joe as the ‘legit’ outward facing front man and his son Hunter and brother Frank as the bagmen behind the scenes…
The crime family we are going to be looking at today is the Cuomo clan. This dynasty started out with Mario Cuomo who rose to become Governor of New York. His son, Andrew Cuomo was also Governor of New York … until it was discovered that he was apparently a sexual predator.
Mario’s other son, Chris ‘Fredo’ Cuomo, traded off the family name to find himself an anchor at CNN … that is until it was discovered that he was helping his brother, the Governor of New York do damage control after stories of his past activity as a sexual predator came to light.
Anyway, the public relations arm of these crime families has, for a looooong time, been CNN. However, once scandals get too loud CNN cuts ties with (or ‘turns its back on’) radioactive crime families. Most recently this was the Cuomos.
Well, the head of CNN, Jeff Zucker was forced to resign from his post at the network today. Now we are learning that this may have been put into motion as retaliation for Zucker’s abandoning the Cuomos …
Christina Laila of The Gateway Pundit reported:
CNN anchor Brian Stelter on Wednesday said Chris Cuomo was trying to ‘burn the place down’ and was going reveal incriminating information on Jeff Zucker and his paramour, Allison Gollust.
CNN’s worldwide president Jeff Zucker resigned on Wednesday.
CNN’s Brian Stelter said ousted anchor Chris Cuomo was threatening to burn in all down and reveal incriminating info on Zucker and Gollust.
Politico reported that Chris Cuomo is still negotiating his exit from CNN after he was fired last month.
Cuomo is fighting for his $18 million severance after getting fired so he used the incriminating information he has on Zucker and Gollust as leverage in court.
“[Cuomo] is not going out quietly. He was fired and there were reports that he wasn’t going to get paid millions of dollars that were gonna be on the remainder of his contract…he was trying to burn the place down! He was going to court, trying to burn the place down and claiming that he had incriminating information about Zucker and Gollust,” Stelter said.
STELTER: Andrew Cuomo Was Going To Reveal 'Incriminating Evidence' About Jeff Zucker
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 2, 2022
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