Military Seizes George Soros Org’s Bank Accounts, Announces Arrest Warrants After Coup

National File

Syndicated Via National File| TOM PAPPERT

ICYMI, a few weeks back … The military government in Myanmar, in place after a coup provoked by widespread accusations of voter fraud plagued the country’s recent election, has now seized the bank accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

After taking control of the country in a military coup provoked by allegations of voter fraud earlier this year, the Myanmar military government has seized several bank accounts belonging or affiliated with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and has announced arrest warrants for 11 members of the organization in the country “on suspicion of giving financial support to the civil disobedience movement against the military junta.”

The government will also take legal action against the Open Society Foundations, which they allege violated “restrictions on the activities of such organizations” and did not receive approval from Myanmar’s authorities for the deposit of $5 million into their Myanmar bank accounts. It is also alleged to have illegally withdrawn $1.4 million from its bank accounts.

A website that tracks Myanmar political developments from Thailand wrote, “Military-aligned groups including the Union Solidarity and Development Party have accused Soros of manipulating Myanmar’s politics by supporting civil society organizations in the country.”

National File reported extensively on the ties between Soros, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and recently ousted State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi:

Clinton advised Aung San Suu Kyi to contest a parliamentary seat in the 2012 Burmese elections, which Aung San Suu Kyi ultimately did, kickstarting the latter’s formal political career in Burma, also known as Myanmar.

Aung San Suu Kyi also received strong support from then-President Barack Obama, who routinely advocated for her release from house arrest. Aung San Suu Kyi was arrested repeatedly during the 1990s and 2000s for “subversive acts”, following her involvement in riots against the Myanmar government.

Obama awarded her the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal in 2012, which she described as “one of the most moving days of my life”. Ultimately, the Obama administration engineered Aung San Suu Kyi’s rise to power in 2015, by placing sanctions on Myanmar and insisting on only removing them if Aung San Suu Kyi was given a political role in the country.

Another important ally of Aung San Suu Kyi was progressive billionaire George Soros and his global NGO network, which strongly supported her activities.

Myanmar also recently banned Facebook and Twitter in the country after they alleged the platforms used their algorithms to promote anti-military protests  following the military takeover.

76 thoughts on “Military Seizes George Soros Org’s Bank Accounts, Announces Arrest Warrants After Coup

    1. Hopefully these whores are getting ready to have their clocks cleaned. It took literally THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TO PULL THIS FRAUD OFF AND THEY ALL NEED TO BE MADE AN EXAMPLE OF

    1. That country DID something about the voter fraud! Which is more that our gutless, blood sucking, parasitic overpaid, underworked congress has done! Soros has back the BLM, antifa, and any othe anti-American group. And our government acts like they are on his payroll too!

      1. Because enough Republicans didn’t get their butts off the couch and vote for their party the Democrats cheated and won. Don’t complain, You blew it and now we will suffer.Too many RHINO’S, Never Trumpers, Lincoln Brigade and Liz Chaneys in the party. We never stick together. Democrats face strict payback if they behave like Mitt Romney. We just sigh and let him do it again.

        1. Democrats won because of Cyber attacks from other countries on the voting machines, China, Nortn Korea, Germany, Iran, India, UK and massive fraud on the ballots, its all coming out, the truth

  1. Well what do you know. Why can’t we do the same thing. This man has been destroying our country for a long time. It appears he wants to use his money to become king of the world and frankly he’s doing a pretty good job of it. The US does NOT recognize dual citizenship. His actions are treason. Why do we allow this man to corrupt this country.

    1. I would prefer he, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Shumer, and likely a dozen or moreincluding a few RINO’s, receive a public hanging for all to watch.

      1. “Yes , Much Better Than Sending Them to Prison , Where They “Suicide Themselves” & Disappear Into Thin Air . . 

    2. He’s a Hungarian Jew who sold his family out to the Gestapho. He made his first money cataloguing the treasures and antiques taken from Jewish homes after the families were sent to the camps. He has dual citizenship with Hungary and United States.Evil is as evil does.

        1. ya know I’ve thought the same thing just had a feeling about Soros 
          what he’s done and still doing. to me it’s revenge he’s after for America 

        2. George Soros was not in the German  armee, he is not German he is from Hungary,but he sure is a slime that needs to be stoped.

    1. I would like to know how he can continue donating millions of $ to democrates.Why is everyone else limited  to max amounts in the low thousands George Soros was the key financal  resource for many Dems  and the results of our last election . Why is that?

    2. The PUPPETS don’t attack their masters!  As for the military, that was stripped of REAL American Patriots, 5 minutes after Broke Back Biden took his oath of office!!  It’s likely ONLY Trump would be able to reverse that situation, NONE of the CAREER Politicians have the nuts to do so!

    1. That is literally EVERY place on the planet!!  SORE-ASS is a globalist – he wants his own planet with all of us as his slaves!!

  2. I Pray the same happens here.  G $0 r 0$ funds the de monic Rat party, protestors, and the incoming caravans through a bank in Sowth America.  His addre$$ is key toe na … n y .  I type to hopefully avoid .. sens or ship. 

    1. Along with Stacy Abrams, the Clinton Foundation, …, …., … ,…, …
      Wonder much of the national debt that would pay off.  I know the bribers tried to get Patrick Bryne (CEO of Overstock) to sell America out & they told him he has no idea how many multi billioniers are walking around for selling out.  They seem to groom innocent citizens by making them think they are doing something honorable for their country, THEN boom the $ comes in.  Patrick began smelling something bad.  

  3. A coup in America sounds like a pretty good idea about now. Get the sniff & suck regime of anti American fools out of power & freeze all Soros funds here as wekk.

    1. A coup has been going on since Obama got into office in 2008. We had some amount of freedom for four short years, but it is back up and running again in just 5 short months. It is not a military coup, and if it was, all this nonsense would be reversed. I believe the military woud NOT follow the Marxist path and would return our America. I hardly recognise it any more.

  4. Wish we had the guts to do that  In America, dollarst take priority over everything, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness included.

  5. sadly- nothing will happen here as long as msm, tech, corrupt fbi, sheep, useful idiots, deep state swamp demorats, Xiden etc. coverup, are in control! Don’t forget his son is also following in his father’s footsteps. Most likely there is $ hidden all over the place. Until Repub stand together, get DC back, stick together as the demorats do, we aren’t going to get very far with much. All we have to do is see how ‘well’ things are going in blue states to know corruption runs DEEP.  

  6. Money drives so many issues.
    If senators and congressmen/women worked on a voluntary basis (sans pay) I would suppose Americans would pay no more taxes to be given away in foreign aid, and there would be no kickbacks of any kind, from anywhere. No money, no fraud, no graft. America would sleep well, and those who worked would keep every penny they earned.

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  12. Good for Mayanmar!  Now if we could just give the Republicans a backbone and some balls to do the same and deport all the illegals flooding ito the country, we might have a honest election in 2022.

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  17. Seizing property? That’s horseshit! The military must round up his entire family plus every relative and execute every last one of them! After what the lowlife, demonic son-of-a-bitch has done to the Jewish people, really a quick death such as a firing squad would be an insult to the Israeli people. How about some method that would take a month or more to kill them. They need to suffer 24/7! The issue concerning his family and every relative is quite simple. You can’t have them coming of age and carrying on soros demonic agenda. It is the only way to rid this world of Luciferians like soros and his ilk.

    1. I’d be willing to bet that no one in the Soros family lives in Myanmar or is even considered a resident there!  He’s very likely living somewhere w/o ANY extradition treaties so that he can’t be arrested and executed for his global criminal actions!!  He should be classified as a terrorist and get taken out just like the rest of the terrorist dirtbags!!

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  21. Manmar seems a hell of a lot more informed than the <uSA on this serpent EVIL MONSTER George Soros.  They dd the RI]GHT thing.! USA should followe suit..and seze all his foundations $$$$ in the USA!

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  24. They need to execute the son-of-a-bitch and anyone that’s ever had a conversation with him. Well, that eliminates the DemonRATS and RINO’s. Damn, I love it when a plan comes together. Jesus Christ says “I bring not peace to the world, but a sword”. Folks, it doesn’t get any clearer than that! We American Patriots are the modern day Knights Templar. I promise you if this shit had been going on during the Templars time, everyone of those vermin would be killed. Good luck DemonRATS! Losers!

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  27. George Soros is the most despicable person and needs to be banned from the US and his Citizenship revoked after he spends decades in Jail.  He is absolutely disgusting and has collapsed 5 economies and has been trying to collapse the US economy for years.

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