Breaking: Hunter’s Leaked Laptop Blows Biden/CCP Ties Sky High … They Were Selling Out America’s Security!


The Biden crime family tried to broker a deal to sell a gas company to the Chinese through CEFC chairman Ye Jianming, a close ally of the Chinese Communist government. If you wonder why Joe Biden has been so generous to the Chinese government, this could very well be part of the answer. CEFC is the same company that was supposed to pay The Big Guy 10% on one of the business deals with Hunter.

This never before known deal was found on Hunter’s laptop. Along with it were many emails from suspected Chinese spy and lover of Hunter Biden,  JiaQi Bao. She encouraged Joe to run for president in March. Biden announced his candidacy less than a month later. She listed the following qualities that Biden had which were  “wisdom,” “sensibility,” “leadership”. I hope she was a better spy than she was a judge of men.

Bao’s email begins:

“Through you and Uncle Jim’s connection, with Monkey Island/Magnolia/Project ABC as a starting point / talking point, we can check out a lot of all other interesting Louisana/Taxes/Gulf of Mexico U. S. projects [sic].

“You are the best person to help your friend Ye to do that, because you know a lot of folks in the area and you have the access to decision- makers / helpful local folks with insight about the region.” 

Ye Jianming needed people with connections because in order to purchase the company he would need approval.

At the bottom of the report, Bao notes:

  • Without passing FERC review, will not receive non-FTA approval.
  • Without non-FTA approval, won’t be able to sell LNG to China.

FERC refers to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and “non-FTA” refers to non free trade agreement countries, of which China is one.

They expected Hunter to provide the influence of his father to get the deal approved. The deal eventually fell through and Ye Jianming was detained by the government and his company CEFC was dissolved. The cost of failure?

From Breitbart News

“As part of Hunter Biden’s efforts to assist Ye, he reportedly began working on a deal for Ye that involved a $40 million investment in a natural gas project on Monkey Island in Louisiana that reportedly fell through in 2018,” Grassley’s report says.

The report continues:

In order for Ye to succeed with future business in the United States, he had to, as The New York Times stated, ‘build influence.’  Based on the recently released records, that is exactly what Hunter Biden and James Biden were supposed to do for CEFC. Accordingly, it appears that Hunter and James Biden, based on their family name and political influence, were agents of CEFC, as both had planned roles with CEFC’s investment vehicles and engaged in efforts to seal financial deals for Ye and CEFC, which would ultimately benefit the communist Chinese government.

0 thoughts on “Breaking: Hunter’s Leaked Laptop Blows Biden/CCP Ties Sky High … They Were Selling Out America’s Security!

    1. AG Garland is too busy with “domestic terrorist” parents to bother with Hunter and Joe’s overt treason-for-pay. The FBI/DOJ are too busy undermining DJT from running again in 2024 to bother with Communist corruption at the highest levels of government. 

      1. Don’t forget that the DOJ/FBI work at the pleasure of the President. That would be JoeBama. He is thoroughly communist so the FBI/DOJ is thoroughly communist also. The US gov’t is communist. We, however remain a constitutional/repulic and since we live by the constitution we are the valid gov’t. The people. It would help if anyone who calls themseves an American Patriot worked on being an American Patriot and worked on getting people together in mass protests of mandates, closing the border, rescuing the 38,000 Americans still in Afghanistan things like that instead of wondering about what the JoeBama gov’t should be doing. Don’t wonder about woulda,’ coulda,’ shoulda,’ and actually DO something to save our country.

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