Witness Tampering In Rittenhouse Case as Key Witness As Days Before Testifying Had Charges Dropped

It is possible that there was witness tampering In the Kyle Rittenhouse trial as the star witness, Gaige Grosskreutz had felony charges against him dropped just days before he testified against Kyle Rittenhouse. Had the charges not been dropped the defense may have been able to point to him as a possible felon. Or, he […]

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BREAKING: Rittenhouse To Be Acquitted After Bombshell Testimony From Shooting ‘Victim’

Opinion| The prosecutors in the Rittenhouse case called Gaige Grosskreutz, the third and final man gunned down by Rittenhouse, during the night of rioting. During his testimony, he admitted that he had his gun pointed at Kyle Rittenhouse at the time he was shot, But he claims it was not intentional. But the first rule […]

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BREAKING: Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Bombshell Effort to Defend Trump-Era Policy on Immigrants & Welfare

The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case of the Trump policy set down in the public charge case. What that policy did was to deny green cards to immigrants who would end up living on government freebies. The Trump policy defined “public charge” as an immigrant who receives one or more designated […]

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OSHA Announces They Will Not Enforce Policy That Requires Employers Record Their Worker’s Adverse Reactions to Covid-19 Vaccine

What don’t they want us to know? There will be no records of adverse reactions to these experimental drugs. Are they kidding? People have developed heart conditions, especially in young males, blood clots, and breathing problems but for the most part, they are not gathering the information. This is kind of fishy and you have […]

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Mark Meadows Exposes Fauci’s Lies on Gain-of-Function Funding: “It Was Intentional”

Dr Fauci has been caught lying to Congress while under oath. That is a serious charge. The question is, will the majority party vote to charge him or vore to cover up2 his crime? He told Congress that his NIH did not fund gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. But, now the NIH confirms that they did […]

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Supreme Court Agrees To Hear The Bombshell Case On Secret Gov Spying Used To Take Trump Out

This is a most interesting case. Is the FISA court all-powerful or are they eligible for judicial review? This became an issue after the 2016 election when it was discovered that the FISA court-approved FISA surveillance against Carter Page three times. Despite a year’s worth of reading his emails and listening to his phone conversations, […]

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ALERT: Biden Turning American Vets Into PRISONERS OF WAR In Their OWN COUNTRY!

Before January 6th, the FBI tried to recruit 20-year veteran Jeromy Brown to be an informant. He refused. He then went to Washington for the march on Capitol Hill, but he never entered the Capitol. 40 t0 60 agents from the FBI, DOJ, and local police raided retired Army Ranger Jeremy Brown’s home. He was […]

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WTF: Crazy California Commies Ban Sale of Lawn Mowers, Leaf Blowers, and Other Gas-Powered Equipment

There they go again. The Democrats in California are going nuts in an effort to chase every business out of state or out of business they can. Their latest legislation bans gas-powered lawnmowers, hedge trimmers, and leaf blowers. This means that in 2024, the landscapers will have to buy all new equipment that runs on […]

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Arizona’s Dem Senator Sinema Makes Biden Her B**** As POTUS Whines That She’s Not Returning His Phone Calls

Last week, Kyrsten Sinema, Democratic Senator from Arizona was accosted by an illegal alien in a bathroom and then again on an airplane and for a third time at the airport in Washington D.C. Joe Biden then tried to downplay her experience by calling it normal procedure. That’s odd because I don’t recall anyone being […]

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