According to Fox 10, leaders of the group Arizona Educators United announced Monday that the state’s teacher walkout will continue into Wednesday.
The decision was announced in a brief statement made on behalf of the AEU’s leadership by Dylan Wegela, an administrator of the AEU’s closed group page on Facebook.
The decision to extend the walkout came, as thousands of Arizona teachers gathered for the third day at the Capitol on Monday to protest low pay and school funding, and many schools around the state remained closed, while the Legislature prepared to introduce a budget package that gives them raises but falls short of other demands.
What is #RedForEd? As According to their website:
“Red for Ed” is a colossal, collaborative initiative between THAT! Company, the Educational Foundation of Lake County, plus a multitude of local chambers, clubs and businesses. The “Red for Ed” initiative aims to “paint the county” in the color red to raise awareness about the critical need of our local students for the most basic items of food and school supplies.
Over 63% of the Lake County School District’s student population lives at or below poverty level. The Student Services Department reports there are 1,884 homeless students. “It is our goal that each student, who is in need, will start the new school year with the essential supplies to help them be successful, while supplementing our schools’ food pantries,” Carman Cullen-Batt says, Executive Director of the Educational Foundation.
“This year’s drive is expected to be even larger, and every business, group, club, and organization in Lake County is invited to participate. Individuals can also join in,” says Cullen. The goal of the Red for Ed Campaign is that each student who is in need will start the 2017 – 2018 school year with the supplies to be successful.