One of the miracles Jesus Christ is best known for was the feeding of 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish.
Well, over the weekend His body, the church, took up the mantle of feeding the hungry by assembling meals for those who have fled war-torn Ukraine.
The effort is being spear-headed by the non-profit CityServe International.
It may not have been miraculous, but it was truly amazing that in 24 hours over 1,800 volunteers came together at the City of Destiny church in the Orlando, Florida, area to pack 1,000,000 meals to ship to the region.
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When The Western Journal spoke with CityServe officer and City of Destiny executive pastor Todd Lamphere midday Saturday, volunteers had already packaged nearly 400,000 meals.
“We just saw the hurt and the devastation from the people fleeing from Ukraine, from the oppression of [President Vladimir] Putin in Russia. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that we’ve got to do something here, that these people need food,” he said.
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“The amazing thing about this is we stood this project up in five days,” Lamphere added.
BBC reported Monday that 1.7 million people have fled Ukraine because of the Russian invasion. Over 1 million of those have gone to Poland.
City of Destiny church overseeing pastor Paula White-Cain tweeted that she was in awe of the humanitarian undertaking God brought together to help feed them.
I am in awe of God’s greatness- We saw more than 1,850 volunteers pack 1,000,000 meals in 24 hours… And when hungry Ukrainian refugees get this hot food and say, “look what the Lord has done,” it is because of you! Thank you!!