Tito Ortiz was a world champion fighter in the UFC and was inducted into the Hall of fame in 2012. Today, he is a world champion dad, not only for his own kids, but to the kids of many others as well. He has become a fighter outside the ring now that his career in the ring is over. But this fight he has taken on is much more important than any of the ones that earned him induction into the Hall of Fame.
But, in one respect, Tito is totally wrong. Here is a quote from Tito:
“I’m not a right-winger. What I am is an American. I care about my children’s futures, my children’s friend’s futures, and just the freedoms we have in this country. And people say, ‘Right-wing, left-wing. You’re on the right, you’re on the left.’ No, I’m not. I’m strictly down the middle. I’m just a man who is fighting for his children, for their future, for school. We’re moving from Huntington Beach, California, because of how great a job DeSantis is doing there as governor, really protecting our children. I think that’s very, very important.”
With due respect to Tito, there is no middle ground. There is no position that is too depraved or morally bankrupt that the leftists won’t support it to the death. Kill babies? No problem, even after they are born. Just leave them on the table and check back in a couple of days to make sure they are dead before throwing them out in the garbage.
Grooming kids to be gay and transgender? That is an utter necessity, otherwise, what would the country’s pedophiles do for thrills.
Teach all of the children Critical Race Theory so every child knows who to hate. Children of color should hate whites and white children should be taught to hate themselves.
This is a battle for the heart and souls of children all over this country. No one can afford to be in the middle.
Tito became a champion in the ring through dedication to the belief that he could be the best. Now, outside the ring, he inspires children to be their best, no matter what they decide to achieve in life.
The toughest thing in life is doing the right thing, which is never the same as…