A former teacher and an American citizen is being accused of heading an all-women ISIS battalion. Allison Fluke-Ekren, 42, was apprehended in Syria and was transferred to the FBI on Friday. Now, she is a genuine terrorist. Will she serve time in the DC gulag? You already know the answer to that question, don’t you?
Fluke-Ekren has been active in terrorism since at least 2014. Fluke-Ekren was involved in planning an attack on a college campus in 2019. The indictment was sealed at the time, but has now been unsealed since her capture. Her plan was for the terrorists to dress as infidels and carry a bag full of explosives.
She also put forth a plan to target a mall by parking a car full of explosives in the underground parking lot and detonating it with a cell phone. She once said that any attack should kill a lot of people or it’s not worth the time. Sounds like a real peach of a woman.
In 2016, Fluke-Ekren purportedly became the leader of the Khatiba Nusaybah. Khatiba Nusaybah was an all-female battalion of ISIS, located in Raqqa, Syria. The battalion was made up of women who were married to ISIS fighters. Fluke-Ekren also allegedly trained about 100 women and children. She taught them to use AK-47 assault rifles, grenades, and suicide belts. A witness claims she saw Fluke-Ekren’s five-year-old holding an AK-47.
“When asked how radicalized Fluke-Ekren was, according to one witness who interacted with Fluke-Ekren in Syria, Fluke-Ekren was ‘off the charts’ and an ’11 or a 12′ on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being extremely radicalized,” the criminal complaint states.
Fluke-Ekren left the U.S. in 2008 and moved to Egypt. She migrated to Libya and then Syria around 2012 with her husband.
The New York Post reported, “Her first husband was killed in Syria 2016 as he attempted to carry out a terrorist attack, prosecutors said. She subsequently wed a Bangladeshi ISIS member who also died, then married a prominent ISIS leader who headed the group’s failed 2017 defense of Raqqa.”
Fluke-Ekren is charged with providing and conspiring to provide material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization. If convicted, she faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, according to the Justice Department.
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a lousy 20 years? should be a firing squad’ & with the open boarders who knows how many have walked in, looking to do harm to Americans or our country.
And tortured day and night..skinned alive and put in the sun..wait, that’s too good for human waste like those people
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Not the sharpest knife in the drawer eh, Teacher? no wonder schools nowadays are falling apart.
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