A Marine Got A Picture From His Wife, And Then He Immediately Filed For Divorce….

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After looking at a picture of his wife and spotting a man hidden under the bed, a Marine husband filed for divorce.

The wife’s picture rapidly went viral, after being allegedly taken by one of her husband’s friends,  According to Media reports, the husband asked a buddy to visit his wife while he was away overseas and take a picture of her for him.

A hand protruding from underneath the bed caught the husband’s attention as soon as he saw the shot, giving the impression that the wife had been cheating on him and that her boyfriend had fled as the husband’s buddy arrived.

As Soon As His Wife Sent Him This Picture, This Marine Filed For Divorce

The husband eventually requested a divorce from his wife after seeing the photo and learning of her infidelity.

And a lot of readers criticized the wife for cheating on her husband.

With one reader commented,She has a guilty look on her face, If you can’t see the hand Look from the woman’s elbow nearest the edge of the bed and go directly left. It’s sticking out from under the bed. It’s a dark skin coloured hand outstretched.”

“First of all, she was dead wrong,” another wrote.He should divorce her. Second, the dude she was cheating with was stupid. Why did he leave his hand out? He should have tucked his hand under his chin. Lastly, she looked busted and disgusted. So totally obvious that something was going on. She deserves everything she gets.”

Others claimed they didn’t see the hand right away but denounced the wife’s cheating nonetheless.

“I don’t see the hand but I believe that very few people remain faithful to each other in these last days,” one wrote. “This is the main reason that I choose to remain single. I struggle with trust.”

“I don’t see any hand in this picture,” another added. “I am sorry but none of the women of today have any loyalty and no respect for their man. I have had this happen with every woman I have ever tried to have a relationship with. Women are evil just like in the Waterboy when his mother tells Bobby Bushay (Adam Sandler) that in the movie. Boy that is all but true.”

Watch it here: Youtube/Katie Couric

Sources: Taphaps, Relativelyinteresting, Ussanews




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