This Extremely Proud LEGAL Immigrant Just Went Full On At Biden And Ripped Him To Pieces…

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On Thursday, in the wake of Joe Biden’s speech demonizing his political opponents, a man who describes himself as a recently naturalized immigrant took to social media to explain just why he and his children are MAGA Republicans and blasted Biden for telling him he doesn’t matter.

Joe Biden called 75+ million Trump supporters “a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

Biden added, “MAGA Republicans embrace anger, thrive on chaos, live in the shadow of lies… History tells us a blind loyalty to single leader has failed democracy.”

“MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution, they do not believe in the rule of law … They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence,” said Biden.

It is indeed a classic projection from a senile and corrupt career politician. And it was clearly the most disgusting speech given by any American president in the history of the republic.

Here’s what Alma Ohene-Opare said in a compelling 5-1/2-minute video that he hopes will get the attention of the White House about the Make America Great Again movement.

“Today, I am a proud American, a law-abiding patriot, and a man willing to defend the principles and values that made America great and brought people like me here.”

“And to hear the President of America and the leader of the free world dismiss more than 70 million of his own countrymen as fringe and extreme and not worth listening to, breaks my heart…,” he said.

“We are MAGA because we believe in freedom of speech, the freedom to exercise our religion. We believe in limited government and the rule of law. We are MAGA because we love the Constitution and believe our founders established a means for we, the people, to defend it from enemies, both foreign and domestic,” Ohene-Opare explained in the soliloquy.

“I am MAGA because I want to be able to look into the eyes of my four black children to assure them that they’re not victims, that they hold inside them what it takes to achieve anything they set their hearts on. We believe our leaders should put America and its interest first before any other nation,” he added.

Ohene-Opare noted that he came to the U.S. at 19, and after about two decades, he was granted American citizenship.

Come November, the self-described conservative Republican, will be a first-time voter.

“I understand the urge during an election season to attack those you see as political opponents, but, Mr. President, I am not your enemy. And the tens of millions of MAGA Republicans are not filled with hate towards anyone. We love this country.

“We are heirs of the great legacy of freedom this country has afforded us and wish to exercise our rights to be heard and not demonized. So I ask you, Mr. President, to tear down this wall of divisiveness and division that seeks to pit your fellow citizens against one another. Heed your own call for unity and lay off the rhetoric that seeks to demonize and defame millions of people who would give their lives and fortunes to defend these United States,” he asserted.

Watch the patriotic video below:

Watch the profound appeal in full: Alma Ohene-Opare/Youtube

Sources: TheBeltwayReport, FoxNews


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