NSBA Confesses They Were Coaxed Into Calling Parents Domestic Terrorists By None Other Than…

Wow, what a shady move on the part of the Biden Admin. The Nationals School Board Association revealed that the letter they sent to the Department of Justice was actually requested by Secretary Of Education Miguel Cardona. So parents were being set up by the Biden Admin via the Dept of Education, to eventually be […]

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Parents Save Students From Vile Liberal Teacher’s Propaganda

This is why it is so important to talk to your kids about what they are learning in school. Radical Libs are not disclosing everything they are teaching in their syllabuses and in some cases, they are teaching radical Liberal propaganda like Critical Race Theory or worse. This time parents were lucky they caught wind […]

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Taxpayer Funded NC Program Is Corrupting Preschoolers

This is the kind of garbage that Liberals are spreading across the country. An educational program aimed at teaching disabled preschoolers seems to misunderstood what was meant by teaching the children their colors. The “educators” are instead teaching the three and four-year-olds to hate white people. “A program designed by the University of North Carolina […]

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MSM Host Claims Parents Are Endangering Our Democracy

Liberals can’t stand it when you ruin their agenda. Parents across the nation have been standing up for their children and trying to protect them from being taught the racially divisive Critical Race Theory. Red State Governors have been fighting educators to keep it out of schools, but there have been numerous teachers and schools […]

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