President Trump May Have Just Lost His Last Ally

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The sad truth is that Donald Trump will most likely be impeached again even with just a few days left as president.

This will make Trump the only President in American history to ever be impeached twice, and it could give lawmakers the satisfaction of preventing him from ever holding office again.

And, unlike last time, President Trump doesn’t have the support of the Republican Party to fall back on. 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell supports Democrats’ move to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Trump and is “done” and “furious” with him, sources familiar told Fox News.

It is unclear how McConnell would vote in an impeachment trial, should House Democrats vote to impeach Trump. It is not clear at this point whether McConnell would vote to convict.

One source told Fox News that McConnell has not made up his mind about what to do about impeachment, and does not see this as a partisan exercise like the previous impeachment effort against Trump.

Another source told Fox News that McConnell told associates that impeachment will help rid the Republican Party of Trump and his movement.

The aftermath of the events on January 6th has only gotten worse over the last few days and Americans fear that the worst has yet to come.

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