Greta Thunberg DESTROYED After Being Caught In A Lie

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Greta Thunberg has been caught red-handed in her own web of lies. She made a huge mistake when she tried to make it seem like her first-class ride on a train was overcrowded and she didn’t have anywhere to sit. She then tweeted a deceitful photo of herself sitting in a huge pile of luggage.


Deutsche Bahn, the German railroad company, addressed Thunberg’s tweet, apologizing for any inconvenience the girl may have experienced and said they were working on improving the trains, but then they suddenly shifted gears. They deleted their initial tweet and criticized Greta for failing to acknowledge the lengths of which onboard staff apparently went through to lead her to a seat in first class.

According to The Guardian,

Greta travelled by train from the COP25 UN climate conference in Madrid via a climate protest in Turin, Italy, on Friday. She is due home in Stockholm to celebrate Christmas with her family after a year travelling the world by rail, sea and road to highlight the threat of global heating.

Deutsche Bahn (DB) was quick to respond to Greta’s tweet, apologising to the 16-year-old schoolgirl for the inconvenience and saying it was working on improving its trains.

But on Sunday DB went on the defensive, deleting its initial tweet, and chiding Greta for failing to acknowledge the lengths its onboard staff apparently went to lead her to a seat in first class.
The company tweeted “Dear Greta. Thank you for supporting us railroaders in the fight against climate change! We were pleased that you were on the ICE 74 with us on Saturday. And with 100 percent green electricity. It would have been even nicer if you had also reported how friendly and competent you were looked after by our team at your seat in first class. #Greta
After being repeatedly mocked online for the photo Greta quickly back-peddled with this statement, “Our train from Basel was taken out of traffic. So we sat on the floor on 2 different trains. After Göttingen I got a seat. This is no problem of course and I never said it was. Overcrowded trains is a great sign because it means the demand for train travel is high!”

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