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Will former President Donald Trump run again in 2024?

He was coy about the idea while speaking Saturday at a rally in Commerce, Georgia. But not too coy.

While endorsing various local candidates, Trump uncharacteristically identified himself with the Republican Party.

Often key players in Trump’s view of the domestic political landscape consist of Democrats, Republicans and himself.

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That’s a concept that has played well with the Republican grassroots base, alienated from party leadership, that is fond of Trump.

But Saturday, while advocating a 2022 Republican takeover of Congress, Trump repeatedly used the term “we.”

“One of the first things we must do when Republicans retake Congress is stop Joe Biden’s inflation nightmare.”

“…With your vote we will bring Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi’s socialist spending spree to a screeching halt. We’ll do that very quickly.”

Will Donald Trump again run for president?

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“… [W]hen we retake Congress, Republicans will ban critical race theory in our schools, ban it in our military and ban it … in every part of our federal, state and local governments.”

So what’s Trump’s frame of reference? Is he speaking as a would-be presidential candidate? Or as a senior statesman in the Republican Party — a position he already holds among the base and is begrudgingly recognized by some of the establishment?

Has he even decided himself what he will do?

There’s a lot to commend Trump running again. But some strategic realities indicate he should not.

There are plenty of things on the plus side — just contrast what is currently going on in Washington. The Biden administration reflexively seemed to take every Trump position and reverse it.

And we’re living the disaster.

Energy independence: gone. Wisdom regarding NATO, Ukraine and Russia: nonexistent. International respect for America: quickly fading. Economic growth: crashing. Response to COVID: chaotic and despotic.

Let’s not forget…


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