Video:😂 Vernon Jones Humiliates CNN ‘Reporter’ Exposes The REAL Reason They Won’t Have Him On

ICYMI| I understand that the Democrat Party stood for different things at different points in history. Yes, it has always been chasing a failed ideology of more government control of our lives, but I do believe that there was once a point where the leaders of the party were not bad people and thought they […]

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Video: Black Cop Humiliates BBC After They Assume He’s A Racist Idiot

The BBC spoke to Brandon Tatum and they assumed since he was Black that he had drunk the Democratic Kool Aid and would agree with everything they tried to say about systemic racism in policing within this country. That’s because most of them do not know any Black people and they assume they can’t think […]

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Ed Henry Exposes How Fox Sold Trump Out For $$$ In Bombshell Defamation Suit

Fox News was losing favor with Conservatives and Populists known as the MAGA crowd for quite some time, but ever since November with the bizarre way the network called the 2020 Presidential elections, appearing to be working with the far left to misinform the public about vote tallies, the network has been bleeding support and […]

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David Chou Freddy Martinez

⚠️ Jeffrey Epstein’s Prison Guards Admit They Lied ⚠️

IF THEY LIED ABOUT THIS … WHAT ELSE WOULD THEY LIE ABOUT … AND IS THIS EVEN THE TRUTH?! Speculation and curiosity have raged in the American public about the events surrounding the death of Jeffrey Epstein in a New York Prison cell, and now there is proof that people were right to think something […]

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George Soros Makes Move To Take Over ‘Fact Checking’ … Control Local Media

Syndicated Via National File| GABRIEL KEANE A coalition of left-wing billionaires, including controversial hedge fund manager George Soros, are bankrolling a new media company according to a report on Tuesday from left-leaning outlet Axios. The report states that a “new public benefit corporation backed by billionaires Reid Hoffman, George Soros, and others is launching Tuesday […]

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Dem/Media Jan 6th Narrative Collapses As No Cop Was Killed! It Was A Bald Faced Lie!

The establishment is facing an existential crisis.  One so potentially deadly that they are STILL lying about those killed on January 6th …. That crisis is one of credibility … they have none left.  Whether it is the mainstream media, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, the NSA … the freaking White House FFS, all […]

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INSURRECTION!! Climate Change Terrorists Take over Department of Interior Building [Videos]

This is much worse than the January 6th incident, IMHO. The insurrectionists actually tried to take over a federal building and they succeeded. They made demands of the government that they quit using fossil fuels before winter. Since renewables account for less than 7% a lot of people would have frozen and on top of […]

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CNN Collapsing, Appears To On The Verge Of Bankruptcy After Ratings Show America Has Turned Their Back On Fake News

It appears that the only thing that was keeping CNN in the black was President Trump. After decades of lying to the American people, and reportedly taking money from hostile foreign governments to run puff pieces about their s***holes, CNN has run out of gas. Now, to be honest, there is not too much difference […]

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